C'est une mission. Une obsession. Un effort de collaboration pour pousser les limites, penser différemment et créer la prochaine génération de composants de cyclisme ultra-performants.  

Earning a reputation as the most well-rounded off-road racer in Australia, Brendan Johnston has achieved multiple national championships in XC marathon racing along with wins at major races in his home country including Port to Port, Reef to Reef and Cape to Cape. In 2023 Brendan turned his attention to gravel racing, traveling to the U.S. to contest the Life Time Grand Prix series, where he immediately made a name for himself. He scored two podium finishes and finished seventh overall in the series. With those solid results, plus a win and a second-place finish in the Belgian Waffle Ride series, Johnston returned to the U.S. this year to again battle the best gravel racers in the world at the 2024 Life Time Grand Prix series.

HometownMoruya, New South Wales, Australia
Where you live nowCanberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Top results
  • 6-time Australian marathon XC champion
  • 19 straight national XCM series wins
  • 7th overall in 2023 Life Time Grand Prix
  • 2nd at 2023 Life Time Big Sugar Classic (Arkansas)
  • 3rd at 2023 Life Time Rad Dirt Fest (Colorado)
  • 1st at 2023 Belgian Waffle Ride Utah
Main cycling disciplinesMTB, Gravel, Road
Current favorite cycling gearHas to be the chamois.
Favorite place to rideProbably here at home in Canberra.
Dream destinationBoulder, Colorado
What are you carrying on a long ride?Mars Bar
Tips for new ridersObviously enjoy riding! But I think don’t get caught up with training plans and structure too early. Get out on your bike as often as you can and in the early stages that will help more than anything else. Also try to ride in groups that are stronger than you. No better training than that. And focus on the minutes not the seconds.
If you could ride with one person, living or dead, it would beAustralian comedian Hamish Blake
Words to live byYou can learn something from everyone in every room.