Jamshed is an Indo-Canadian gravel cyclist and healthcare professional who calls North Vancouver home. He is a founding member of one of the largest inclusive and progressive cycling clubs in Canada - The Last Drop CC. Jamshed lives his story every day - balancing his professional role as the manager of capital philanthropy for a Provincial Health Authority while also pushing the pedals on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the cycling space. Although Jamshed's social media presence is in its infancy - his track record of success in a professional capacity will not only galvanize the Vancouver community of cyclists but will grow to have national reach.
Jamshed's storytelling is not punctuated by outstanding feats of athletic grandeur or a history of race wins, it is one that puts the everyday athlete at the forefront. An athlete who is a person of colour, someone who elevates what is possible later in life, and a leader in their community on and off the bike. Lastly, Jamshed's talents lie in his exceptional relationship-building and sincerity of action. With this platform, Jamshed looks to elevate not only himself through competition, beautifully tailored content, and storytelling but to also inspire a new generation of Athletes to be part of the renaissance of inclusion in cycling.
Currently, you can find Jamshed hosting a weekly podcast called "Super Domestique" in which he speaks to prominent members of the cycling community in Vancouver. Available to download where you get your podcasts (Youtube, Spotify & Apple).
Photos by @fistpumpfilmworks
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