C'est une mission. Une obsession. Un effort de collaboration pour pousser les limites, penser différemment et créer la prochaine génération de composants de cyclisme ultra-performants.  

Triathlon runs in the family for Rudy von Berg, whose dad Rodolphe Sr. continues to be a top age-group competitor. Rudy's earliest memory of his dad racing was from 1998, when he brought the 5-year-old "Junior" along with him to the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii. That became an annual family trip, inspiring Rudy to dream of one day competing at the elite level. Rudy was born in the U.S., but grew up in the South of France. He chose to attend college at the University of Colorado in Boulder, where he won two collegiate national triathlon titles. After graduating with a marketing degree in 2017, he committed to full-time multi-sport competition. In his first year as a pro, Rudy scored a number of podiums at Ironman 70.3 races and since then has continued his upward trajectory in the sport.

BornOctober 4, 1993
HometownCannes, France
ResidesBoulder, Colorado
Top Results

2024: 3rd at Ironman World Championship Kona

2021: 5th at Challenge Miami

2020: 1st at 70.3 Les Sables D'ollone, France; 1st at PT TriGames Mandelieu; 5th at Challenge Daytona

2019: 1st at Ironman 70.3 Buenos Aires; 1st at Ironman 70.3 European Championship; 2nd at Ironman 70.3 Cozumel; 3rd at Ironman 70.3 World Championship

2018: 1st at Ironman 70.3 South American Championship; 1st at Ironman 70.3 European Championship

2016: 2nd at Ironman 70.3 Miami

Career GoalsWorld Championship podiums and wins
CoachMikal Iden
Favorite CADEX productAero 4-Spoke Wheel
Favorite eventIronman France in Nice
How did you start in triathlon?Through my dad. He was racing Ironmans and would bring me to his races. My first trip to Kona was when I was 5 years old in 1998.
What do you carry on a long ride?My Neversecond nutrition, a small hand pump, and the obvious spares in case of a flat. Usually no phone with me. Training time is for disconnecting.
Favorite place to trainSoutheast France and Maui, Hawaii
Dream vacation spotAustrian Alps
Films or TV you loveGladiator