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CADEX Race 23 Tubeless

Uncompromising Speed

Designed for peak race performance, CADEX Race Tubeless tires have won over the pros through their superior speed, ultra-light weight and supple ride feel.
Current price:


  • RR-S Compound boasts minimal rolling resistance and marked grip in the corners
  • Single-layer SRC casing delivers an incredibly supple ride with superior rolling efficiency at a super low weight
  • Race Shield puncture protection provides superior puncture protection without compromising speed or road feel


MAX Pressure PSI85-125 psi
MAX Pressure BAR4.8-8.6 bar
BeadKevlar® / Carbon Composite
Bead TypeFolding
Puncture ProtectionRace Shield
CasingSupple Race Casing (SRC)
Intended Usage


RR-S Compound

Vrhunska spojina s pnevmatikami na osnovi kremena za elitne kolesarje, ki zahtevajo izjemno hitrost in oprijem. V primerjavi s standardno zmesjo za cestne pnevmatike ima RR-S bistveno manjši kotalni upor in se ponaša z občutno večjim oprijemom pri zavijanju, zlasti na mokrem.

Race Shield Puncture Protection

Z ekskluzivnim ultralahkim in odpornim kevlar materialom, vgrajenim v ohišje, Race Shield zagotavlja vrhunsko zaščito pred prebijanjem, ne da bi pri tem ogrožali hitrost ali občutek na cesti.

Supple Race Casing (SRC)

Single-layer Supple Race Casing (SRC) delivers an incredibly supple and comfortable ride with superior rolling efficiency at a super low weight.

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